Naruto Izou

by XzDoG
Naruto Izou
Are you ready? [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1.3
Date added: Aug 13 2003
Last updated: Sep 15 2016
Last played: Aug 9 2017
124 fans

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...It's coming.

Come have fun!

Recent Medals


Earned by Phelpseh
Apr 17 2015, 7:18 am


Earned by Micdogmic
Apr 17 2015, 7:18 am


Danny-mc: (Aug 12 2017, 3:10 pm)
Hah, still got the source for the original saved in my emails. Received it on the 31st of May 2006... God I feel old :(

I even opened it after stumbling across this. So many fond memories.
Micdogmic: (Sep 12 2016, 9:31 am)
PhantomKurei wrote:
Bring it back Mic. Pwease? XD

It's coming.
PhantomKurei: (Jun 5 2015, 2:22 pm)
Bring it back Mic. Pwease? XD
ZeroKool1245: (Mar 31 2015, 10:57 pm)
I'd rather take a week to have "some" power rather than 10 seconds to be so ridiculously OP'd that the game isn't even fun.
Daiguren Hyourinamru: (Mar 30 2015, 7:31 am)
sure you didnt confuse actual "thought" with how hard and inconveint can i make the game? cause if you make a game too hard with major inconveience for the sake of "balanced and advancement" then its no wonder it one is gonn a play a game if it takes weeks just to be decent.